Greg Eccleston Kokoda Challenge 2023

I am a suicide survivor.
Black Dog Institute is a cause close to my heart & since 2013, I have been a fundraiser & cheerleader for them. This has included 7 City to Surfs, 2 & a half Marathons & in 2021, the Larapinta Trail.
In November 2023, I am undertaking my biggest challenge yet. The famous Kokoda Track. All 149 kilometres of it.
This comes at a great time for me, because I am proud to say that my personal mental health has never been stronger. The physical challenge of ten days in the Papua New Guinea jungle will be sure to test me, but as a wise man said: a challenge isn't a challenge unless it's a challenge.
So, I am raising money for Black Dog Institute, whilst also honouring the Australian servicemen & locals who defended Kokoda.
Mental illness doesn’t discriminate – it affects 1 in 5 Australians every year with symptoms like depression & anxiety. The impact can be devastating, not only for those living with it, but for those around them.
That’s why I’m raising funds for the Black Dog Institute, to support crucial mental health research & support services that help Australians impacted by mental illness & suicide.
Please donate now. Thank you.
Love, Greg
My Achievements

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Reached 50% of fundraising goal

Reached 100% of fundraising goal
My Updates

Kokoda: completed
Sunday 19th Nov

29 October 2023 - Training trek
Sunday 29th Oct

Greg's Giveaway Grand - 28 numbers remaining!
Saturday 28th Oct

Welcome to the Humpback Highway
Wednesday 25th Oct

Brave boys get lollipops
Thursday 12th Oct

Simply The Best
Tuesday 3rd Oct

City2Surf #24 - back to where it started
Tuesday 15th Aug

Inspired by Legends
Saturday 22nd Jul

New gear, new (financial) year
Thursday 29th Jun

Tuesday 30th May

Little Beach, far away in time
Sunday 28th May

Strickland State Forest - Back In Time
Saturday 13th May

Six Months
Tuesday 9th May

Kokoda: Fitzsimons & Awaba Street Hill
Tuesday 2nd May
Of all that has been written about the Kokoda Track, probably the most widely-read is "Kokoda" by Peter Fitzsimons. An on-the-ground account of the fighting in WWII, the book's tone is imbued with realism, fed by the fact that the author took on walking the length of the Track himself, immediately prior to writing it.
I have been a correspondent with Mr Fitzsimons for many years, without having ever met, and when my copy of "Kokoda" arrived recently, I inquired of him whether I might be able to have it signed, as well as pick his brain as to what I might expect on my own upcoming trip. Peter kindly invited me to meet with him at his local café in Sydney.
If you don't know, Peter Fitzsimons is a former Rugby Union international ('Wallaby'), and now represents Australia as one of its most prolific biographers & chroniclers of history. A prominent media personality, he has also been a long-serving chair of the Australian Republic Movement. I was a touch nervous about finally meeting him.
I entered the café & spotted Peter immediately, typing away at a laptop in the corner. We shook hands & he invited me to sit. After thoughtfully personalising my book (photo of the inscription is on the Blog page), as well as two others ("Gallipoli" & "Gotta Love This Country!"), he launched into a re-telling of his own experiences on Kokoda.
Beginning with "I don't want to scare you, Greg", then like the acclaimed raconteur that he is, he told me stories that indeed frightened the crap out of me. He also touched upon how it is impossible for us to imagine what it was like for the brave men who made Kokoda famous, in order to defend Australia. And many of them never made it home.
Much of the conversation shall stay between us, suffice to say that the time flew by. One message that stood out above all else for me was: "DON'T UNDERESTIMATE KOKODA".
I had no intention of doing so, but it seems important to remember. That & being even more scared than before of what I have signed up for! I am immensely grateful to Mr Fitzsimons for his great generosity in sharing his time & knowledge with me. After a tough couple of weeks personally, it has placed a little spark back underneath me.
Another takeaway was that Kokoda is UP MOUNTAINS & DOWN HILLS. It is rarely flat. Peter had asked me if there were hills where I lived and I replied "Terrigal is nothing but hills". Well, that and the Beach. I failed to mention that even after running over 3000 kilometres in the past ten years, I still bloody *hate* going up hills. Peter had mentioned a particularly steep hill local to where we were. So, I looked up the place he was talking about. After all, I had my running gear in the boot of the car...
Awaba Street is well-known for being one of Sydney's steepest streets. So well-known, it has its own community event each year, a race called the "Balmoral Burn". I made my way there & got changed & checked out the surrounding area. It was Sydney Harbour at its picture-perfect Autumn day best, with lots of people out & about, and a lovely warm feeling in the air. I realised with some surprise that in the 57 years & 3 days since I was born in Sydney, I had never before been to Balmoral Beach. Setting off from the Rotunda, I clicked GO on my sports watch, & set off for a nice easy flat couple of kilometres along the shorefront, before then taking on the Awaba Street Hill.
I achieved my daily Floors Climbed goal just by looking up at it.
I struggled, panting, up the hill, and then coasted back down. One time. A tiny fraction of a taste of trekking up a mountain. It was another reminder that I am in no way ready for the challenges that lay ahead of me, in just over six short months. But days like today mean that I am just a bit more ready that I was before.
P.S. Thank you for reading. If you haven't donated yet, please consider doing so. My fund-raising has been slow recently and, after all, the cause of the fight for mental health is the reason why any of this is happening. Love to you.
Kokoda reading
Wednesday 19th Apr

Jerusalem Bay Track Training Trek
Sunday 2nd Apr

Everything, Here, All At Once
Sunday 19th Mar

Kev's Kaper
Saturday 11th Mar

Training & fundraising begins!
Wednesday 22nd Feb
Thank you to my Sponsors

Greg Eccleston

Helen Thomas
Well done, Lothar!

Steve Le Marquand
Well done Greg, top effort mate.

Brilliant work, Greg. You did yourself, the cause and that jumper proud! 😊 Well done!

Lynne Mei Baillie
Have a great trek! Looking forward to hearing the stories. X

Greg's Kokoda Grand Raffle 88-89

Phillip Gould
Best wishes Greg

Greg's Kokoda Grand Raffle 74-87

Greg's Kokoda Grand Raffle 66-73

Liz T
“Great things are done when men and mountains meet.” - William Blake Good on you Greg! Go well.

Tim Gordon
Good on you Greg. Have an amazing trek!

Brad Allen
All the best on your journey Greg. You are no doubt an inspiration to many, and your tenacity and strength on this trek raising money for such an important and worthy cause is to be commended. I’m sure you’ll carry some of that triple premiership winning, never-give-up Panther spirit with you along the way!

Vonny Mullins
Amazing + inspirational guy making a true + lasting difference to many lives. May this journey be deeply profound, liberating, healing, joyous, and life changing for many. Thank you for who you are, and for digging deep to overcome more. Bless you.

Greg's Kokoda Grand Raffle 59-65

Erin Gee
Good luck!

Dane Lohan
Go Panthers

Steve And Narelle Jones
Good luck for your Kokoda Trail trek. Well done to you for all your fund raising. x

Meg, Jules, Taika, Rui, Evie, Ollie And Goose
All the best neighbour! We'll all be cheering you on

David Rendell

Greg Eccleston
77 days to go

Greg's Kokoda Grand Raffle 50-58

Roslyn Lang


Awesome cause Greg. You’re an inspiration

Lynne Mei Baillie
Good luck in the City to Surf Greggle!

Michael Budd
Break a leg!! From.the Budd family

Greg's Kokoda Grand Raffle 44-49

Yvonne Eccleston
Happy & healthy travelling son.

Karen Cobban
Hi Greg, Good luck on your Kokoda adventure. Well done you doing this walk to raise money for the Black Dog Institute. I'll be thinking of you. Love, Karen xo🙂

Greg's Kokoda Grand Raffle 39-43

Darren Preston
Have a blast greggles

Karen Bayly
You go for it, champ!

Lisa & Adam Gordon
Wishing you the best of luck for a great cause Greg! Looking forward to seeing the photos!

Greg's Kokoda Grand Raffle 35-38

Leo Domigan
I am inspired by your determination Greg. Stay strong!

Greg's Kokoda Grand Raffle 24-34

Andy Scotland


Adam Wechsler
Go Greg! 2023 the year to tackle Awaba St and Kokoda. Can't believe you've been to 74 countries before Balmoral Beach.

Jill Rogers And Cathleen Mcilmurray
Good Luck Greg, I know you will make the trek and tell a great story or two afterwards

Greg's Kokoda Grand Raffle 11-23

Time Out Adventures & Entertainment
All the best Greg we are cheering you on.

Greg's Kokoda Challenge Grand Raffle

Ryan And Sandra Lohan
Awesome job, keep going!

Natalie Murray
Run, Greg, run! (Actually, walking might be safer.) Walk, Greg, walk!

Mandy Dodds
Greg, you're an inspiration. It will be an unforgettable achievement. Regards Mandy

David & Vera Bonham

Chris & Dave
Good luck Greg
